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LAN transmission methods fall into 3 main categories:
1 Unicast transmission
2 Multicast transmission
3 Broadcast transmission

1 :--  Unicast Transmission
In unicast transmissions, a single data packet is sent from a source to a single destination on the network.

Unicast Process
 The source addresses  the packet with the destination address.
 The packet is sent into the network.
 The network delivers the  packet to the destination.

2 :--  Multicast Transmission
In multicast transmissions, a single data packet is copied and sent to specific destinations on the network.

Multicast Process
 The source addresses the packet using a multicast address.
 The packet is sent into the network.
 The network copies the packet.
 A copy is delivered to each destination that is included in the   multicast address.

3 :--  Broadcast Transmission
In broadcast transmissions, a single data packet is copied and sent to all over the network.

Broadcast Process
The source addresses the packet  with the broadcast address.
The packet is sent into the   network.
The network copies the packet.
The packet copies are delivered to all destinations on the network.

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