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It is called Domain base N/W. In which client computer can access resources from the server and server provide resources to the client computer depending up on needs. There is a centralize management.

On a C/S modal certain computers act as a server and rest as a clients.
A server is a machine running some specific applications or program and provides some sort of services to other computers.
 For example: FS, PS, DC’s, DNS, DHCP &    Web Server etc.

 In a C/S modal user’s database and all other security settings are stored on a central server known as Domain Controller (DC).
Users log on to the DC instead of logging on to the individual machines and DC provides authentication.
 Provides flexibility to administrator to control access to entire N/W from a central location.
C/S modal is used in medium to large enterprise N/Ws.
All modern computer N/W’s are based on Client/Server modal.
Advantage of this model:
   1.centralise management
   2.reducing  workload
   3. high security
Disadvantage of this model:
   1. If the server goes down then the will be  choke.
   2. High cost.

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